This is impacted by the current COVID-19 Pandemic. Read more about our current events here.

Our Events
We host regular, monthly events and identity-based support groups. Find a group that’s right for you and your interests by checking out our events on Facebook and Instagram
STAR TRACK throws large scale community events (the Youth Zone @ Baltimore Pride, drag shows, kiki balls, expert panels, and more…) throughout the calendar year. Keep an eye on our social media accounts to find out about our next big thing.
Keep an eye out for our Mobile Health Unit! The STAR TRACK mobile unit is a full service testing and treatment site in a top of the line clinical space. Our mobile site allows us to offer full sexual health screening services on the go!
If you are interested in hosting our mobile site at your event or program shoot our community mobilization team an email here.

Let’s work together! From HBCUs and kiki houses to middle school health fairs and local community centers, STAR TRACK partners with a wide range of programs and organizations.
Health Fairs
Higher Ed programs
Residential Housing Programs
Kiki Houses and Ball Community
Schools (elementary - high school)
Health Departments
Hospital Systems
Faith Based Organizations
Community Health Organizations
Community Centers
After school programs
Social Workers
Kink Communities
Athletic Teams
Greek Life
Previous Partnerships and Collaborative Partners:
Contact us at startrack@som.umaryland.edu to start collaborating with us.